Are you looking for the perfect location for your investment? Try to Land in Lombardy

Your business’s location is key to successful operation and overall growth: every entrepreneur knows it. Today, finding the right desk in the right office is not anymore a choice of convenient places, transport, labour, facilities and image. It’s a matter of network.

When relocating and investing in a territory, there is a first level decision in terms of location, a big “where” with a huge question mark. Once that this question has been answered, a more precise one is knocking at the door: “where are we going to be headquartered?”.

There are places, in Lombardy, where foreign companies can headquarter and test the opportunities of business,  benefiting from a free-desk-offer in centres of excellence, which lasts for up to 3 months (subject to availability and terms).

Getting a free space is made possible by a program called “Land in Lombardy”, started in 2013,  managed by Invest in Lombardy, with the cooperation of Unioncamere Lombardia, the Lombardy Chambers of Commerce network, and Regione Lombardia. 

Land in Lombardy provides ready-to-work serviced office space for companies of any size, from businesses start-ups needing a desk, to multinationals who need a whole floor. The program provides access to all the benefits of being in a service office, ready to work from the first day. After the first year, foreign companies can take the advantage of a discount from the rent.

Spaces are currently available in the following locations:

  1. ComoNext, located near Como;
  2. Cremona Chamber of Commerce, located in Cremona;
  3. C.S.M.T. Gestione, located in Brescia;
  4. Fondazione Filarete, located in Milan;
  5. Lariofiere, located near Lecco;
  6. Parco Tecnologico Padano, located in Lodi;
  7. Polo Tecnologico dei Servizi, located in Pavia.
  8. Tecnocity – Euroimpresa, located near Milan.

Each of these structures is a special place, where companies, startups and innovative ventures are hosted and work together with established businesses. There is the best network of information, competences, skill, services, suppliers, experts and, of course, customers and every location is suitable for specific industries.

In 2015 three structure take part to the project:

  • Cremona Chamber of Commerce, where you could take the advantage of an offices located right in the centre of the city, in the middle of Northern Italy, one of the most productive area in Europe and of the presence of important university and private research centres near there.
  • Euroimpresa, the Development Agency of Alto Milanese area, offers you co-working spaces, where you will become part of a vibrant network of people and business. You could also benefit of a wide range of services, such as using meeting rooms and equipped spaces with innovative technology, participation at educational events, information and assistance in calls and competitions, access to soft loans and / or micro credit, networking opportunities with Italian and European organizations and much more.
  • ComoNExT, aims to become the only non-selective Science and Technology Park of its kind with the most extensive and qualified business network in Italy.

Stefano Poretta, ComoNExT General Manager, describes Land in Lombardy as follows:

“ComoNExT is a Science and Technology Park which is emerging as a point of excellence in a national and international contest. Opened in May 2010 and located in a strategic position in Lombardy, today ComoNExT has 88 tenants company, including 6 foreign companies.
We believe that “Invest in Lombardy” is an important tool to reach foreign companies which want to invest in Lombardy”.

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