Articles by: Invest in Lombardy Partner

Highlights, News Partner

The Italian «Liquidity Decree» by Lexia

The Italian «Liquidity Decree» by Lexia

On 8 April 2020, Law Decree No. 23 was issued in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic providing “Urgent measures for access to credit and tax compliance for businesses, special powers in strategic sectors, as well as measures in the field of health and work an extension of administrative […]

by × 30 April 2020 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Temporary and Interim Management in 101 tips

Temporary and Interim Management in 101 tips

Got a huge project that’s six months overdue and no internal champion with the bandwidth to bring it home? Employees all bouncing off the walls, doing their own things? Company losing money due to outdated business process management software and systems? Late in delivering a project or having difficulty coordinating your team? A […]

by × 23 May 2019 ×

Highlights, News Partner

How to open a limited liability company in Italy?

How to open a limited liability company in Italy?

With 297.000 active head offices (5.7% of the national total), Milan is the second Italian province in terms of number of companies – right after Rome, which hosts 350.000 offices (6.8%) – but it ranks first as for number of employees with 1.9 million workers (12% of the national total). […]

by × 16 November 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Milano skylines © marco garofalo/2016

Tax incentives and foreigners Investors’ VISA options in Italy

Italy is a very interesting destination for entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals that want to have free access to the EU. During the past few years, non-EU individuals (especially from certain jurisdictions in Asia and from India, Iran, Russia and the Middle East) have been increasingly experiencing difficulties in obtaining entry […]

by × 27 July 2017 ×

Highlights, News

The Italian labour market reform pushes Lombardy’s employment growth

The Italian labour market reform pushes Lombardy’s employment growth

The total number of people employed in Lombardy has reached a total of 4 million units, thus exhibiting a +2.8% annual increase. Milan is the first city in Italy, with 1.9 million workers Employment among firms returns to grow, but it shows on the other hand an increasing degree of […]

by × 20 July 2017 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is becoming an increasingly attractive region for foreign investors: China’s Saimo Electric acquires Italy’s Epistolio

Lombardy is becoming an increasingly attractive region for foreign investors: China’s Saimo Electric acquires Italy’s Epistolio

Italy has a great deal to offer foreign investors: the country ranks 13th in the A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index. That being said, it is worth noting that some territories in particular stand out for their potential to attract foreign investors: in this respect, Lombardy is without a […]

by × 14 July 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Cresce l’attrattività dell’economia lombarda: la cinese Saimo Electric acquisisce l’italiana Epistolio

Cresce l’attrattività dell’economia lombarda: la cinese Saimo Electric acquisisce l’italiana Epistolio

L’Italia è un Paese che attrae investimenti esteri: è un dato di fatto secondo l’A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index, che pone il Paese 13esimo al mondo in questo ambito. In questo scenario è da sottolineare come un tratto distintivo dell’Italia rimanga però quello della disomogeneità fra le diverse […]

by × 10 July 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Italy introduces a preferential tax regime available for 15 years to wealthy individuals who take up tax residence in Italy

Italy introduces a preferential tax regime available for 15 years to wealthy individuals who take up tax residence in Italy

New measures aimed at making Italy an attractive destination for high-net-worth individuals to live were included in the 2017 Italian Budget Law and came into effect on 1 January 2017. The new regime is comparable to the UK’s resident-non-domiciled regime and to similar regimes adopted in other countries. In essence, […]

by × 16 June 2017 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Inheritance and Investment Income: Italy’s Favourable Taxation Regime

Inheritance and Investment Income: Italy’s Favourable Taxation Regime

For now at least, Italy is the preferred destination for many wealthy individuals from the other side of the Alps who move to take advantage of the favourable taxation regime on inheritance and investment income. And recently, perhaps due to the fear of Brexit, interest is also being shown by […]

by × 16 February 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Interim/temporary managers to support foreign investments in Lombardy

Interim/temporary managers to support foreign investments in Lombardy

Lombardy is still one of the most attractive areas where to install the Italian subsidiary of an international company. Nevertheless, no matter how much an area can be investor-friendly, a foreign investor, when implementing an international expansion strategy typically needs to reduce potential risks and costs related to the operations […]

by × 27 January 2017 ×