Post Tagged with: "IDE"

Highlights, News

The new Invest in Lombardy website

The new Invest in Lombardy website

The new Invest in Lombardy website (, launched by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with Unioncamere Lombardia and Promos Italia for the enhancement of the regional territorial offer, is online. A strategic Lombard hub designed to guarantee companies comprehensive assistance in each stage of the investment. We desired to renew ourselves […]

by × 9 July 2021 ×

Highlights, News

When the boost to economic growth comes from abroad

When the boost to economic growth comes from abroad

The attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) always constitutes a key goal for policymakers, due to its undisputed relevance in fostering local economic development. As a matter of fact, FDI improves the productivity levels of an area and/or of a sector, creates employment, generates knowledge transfer in terms of technological, […]

by × 31 August 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Interim/temporary managers to support foreign investments in Lombardy

Interim/temporary managers to support foreign investments in Lombardy

Lombardy is still one of the most attractive areas where to install the Italian subsidiary of an international company. Nevertheless, no matter how much an area can be investor-friendly, a foreign investor, when implementing an international expansion strategy typically needs to reduce potential risks and costs related to the operations […]

by × 27 January 2017 ×