Tags: "#engineering"

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Video “Upgrade the future of Lombardy”

Video “Upgrade the future of Lombardy”

Lombardy is one of the strongest European economies, a worldwide renowned business hub, one of the top regions for innovation, talents, hard and soft infrastructures. Find out more about the attractiveness of Lombardy in this short video. For more details: www.investinlombardy.com –  www.attractlombardy.it        

di × 9 Ottobre 2020 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Lombardy is …transformation! #AskOurPartner Todarello & Partners

Lombardy is …transformation! #AskOurPartner Todarello & Partners

Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our seventh article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Giuseppe Fuda – Partner, Todarello & Partners. Milan is an ever-changing city, thanks to the restyling of many districts and the new openings of several […]

di × 26 Luglio 2018 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Lombardy is …efficiency! #AskOurPartner Cazzaniga Building Management

Lombardy is …efficiency! #AskOurPartner Cazzaniga Building Management

Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our sixth article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Matteo Cazzaniga – Cazzaniga Building Management. Lately there has been a lot of buzz in the Italian Real Estate, caused by the growth of international […]

di × 19 Luglio 2018 ×