Tags: "foreign investments operations"

Highlights, News

The new Invest in Lombardy website

The new Invest in Lombardy website

The new Invest in Lombardy website (www.investinlombardy.com), launched by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with Unioncamere Lombardia and Promos Italia for the enhancement of the regional territorial offer, is online. A strategic Lombard hub designed to guarantee companies comprehensive assistance in each stage of the investment. We desired to renew ourselves […]

di × 9 Luglio 2021 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

FDI projects in Lombardy 2017-2019

FDI projects in Lombardy 2017-2019

A report with some FDI key-data (2017-2019) related to Lombardy region, giving evidence of the sectors deemed to be the most strategic and some of the most important players among the enterprises that decided to invest in the region. Discover why and how to successfully invest in Lombardy! Download the […]

di × 11 Novembre 2020 ×

Highlights, Interviste alle imprese lombarde, News

Grande visibilità ai piccoli Comuni lombardi con MIPIM 2020 e AttrACT

Grande visibilità ai piccoli Comuni lombardi con MIPIM 2020 e AttrACT

Il MIPIM è un’opportunità per proporre ad una platea di alto livello importanti progetti di riqualificazione e/o di sviluppo urbano strategici per il territorio, con l’obiettivo ultimo della promozione internazionale e della ricerca di investitori. E ne sono coscienti i Comuni lombardi, soprattutto quelli più piccoli, che partecipando al MIPIM, […]

di × 26 Novembre 2019 ×

Highlights, News

AttrACT clears the way for those who invest in Lombardy

AttrACT clears the way for those who invest in Lombardy

Some of the most obscure administrative and fiscal acronyms – such as SUAP (“Sportello Unico Attività Produttive”, one-stop shop for productive activities), TARI (“Tassa Rifiuti”, waste tax), TASI (“Tassa sui Servizi Indivisibili”, indivisible services tax) and IMU (“Imposta Municipale Unica”, municipal real estate tax) – are about to become much […]

di × 11 Ottobre 2017 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is becoming an increasingly attractive region for foreign investors: China’s Saimo Electric acquires Italy’s Epistolio

Lombardy is becoming an increasingly attractive region for foreign investors: China’s Saimo Electric acquires Italy’s Epistolio

Italy has a great deal to offer foreign investors: the country ranks 13th in the A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index. That being said, it is worth noting that some territories in particular stand out for their potential to attract foreign investors: in this respect, Lombardy is without a […]

di × 14 Luglio 2017 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Investing in Italian property: the Technical Due-Diligence

Investing in Italian property: the Technical Due-Diligence

Facing a Real Estate investment in a foreign country is not the easiest thing to do: the knowledge about the dynamics of a foreign market is an essential factor to take the best possible decisions. As for the detection of an existing building or a construction site where to place […]

di × 3 Novembre 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News, News Partner

Italy and Lombardy strategic business partners for East side countries

Italy and Lombardy strategic business partners for East side countries

Invest in Lombardy – Promos and the law firm Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners (www.gop.it) on June 15 organized the “East Side Internationalization” conference in Milan. Seven have been the target countries discussed, for both outbound (from Italy to those countries) and inbound (from those countries to Italy) investments: China, […]

di × 8 Luglio 2016 ×