Tags: "Lombardy Region"

Highlights, News

Two useful regional tools for hiring new  employees  in Lombardy

Two useful regional tools for hiring new employees in Lombardy

Dote Unica Lavoro is the active labour market policy program set up by the Lombardy Region and focused on supporting the reintroduction into the workforce of those who seek a job, are older than 30 and have their residence in Lombardy, or those younger than 30 who have already taken […]

di × 26 Ottobre 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights

The right organization for the right business: from branch to representative office

The right organization for the right business: from branch to representative office

A foreign company which plans doing business in Lombardy, or Italy as well, most of the time faces the problem related to which would be the most suitable kind of entity to be set up, aiming to balance costs and benefits arising from a given choice. It often happens that […]

di × 25 Agosto 2016 ×