

Halal food growth in consumption and agro-food system in Lombardy: what is the connection?

Halal food growth in consumption and agro-food system in Lombardy: what is the connection?

Hundreds of “Made in Italy” food companies based in Lombardy are planning to start or increase their export activities. More and more concrete opportunities of covering new markets have been announced during the Sixth Convention dedicated to Halal, which took place in Malaysia on 30th and 31st March 2015, organized by the […]

by × 17 April 2015 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, News

Agro-food business in Lombardy: healthy opportunities for foreign investments

Agro-food business in Lombardy: healthy opportunities for foreign investments

Agro-food is a sector that without doubts gives the opportunity, the possibility of attracting foreign investments and develop the territory at the same time. Lombardy has a strong leadership in this business: the agro-food is prominent at Italian level and one of the most relevant in the European context. With […]

by × 10 April 2015 ×


Tax incentives for innovative Start-Up companies and approved business incubators

Tax incentives for innovative Start-Up companies and approved business incubators

Decree Law no. 179 of 18 October 2012 (“Decreto Crescita-bis”) converted with amendments into Law no. 221 of 17 December 2012, introduced into our legislation provisions regulating the formation and development of “innovative start-up companies”, with a view to promoting sustainable growth, technological development, new business ideas and employment, furthering […]

by × 1 April 2015 ×


The Italian Revenue Agency analyses the new “Bonus macchinari”

The Italian Revenue Agency analyses the new “Bonus macchinari”

Among the different regulations which try to stimulate the recovery of the investments by granting tax relief, art. no. 18 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 91/2014 (hereinafter “Decreto Competitività” or “Decree”) has introduced the “bonus macchinari” (i.e. “machinery bonus”). Such benefit includes, in part, some aspects characterizing the past […]

by × 23 March 2015 ×


Jobs Act: the most significant changes introduced by this decree

Jobs Act: the most significant changes introduced by this decree

The most significant changes introduced by the legislative decrees, which have implemented the so-called “Jobs Act” (Law no. 183/2014), and which should enter into force soon, regard the following matters: so-called “progessively protective” employment contracts; new settlement offers; collective dismissals; Naspi, Asdi e DIS-Col. PROGRESSIVELY PROTECTIVE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS From the […]

by × 20 March 2015 ×


Jobs Act: Changes to the Employment Market in Italy

Jobs Act: Changes to the Employment Market in Italy

Italy’s Government is currently in the process of undertaking a wide-ranging labour reform known in the Country as the “Jobs Act”. The end-goal is to make the labour market more modern and competitive, benefiting workers by creating new jobs and eliminating certain types of contract that are particularly “insecure” in […]

by × 19 March 2015 ×


Are you looking for the perfect location for your investment? Try to Land in Lombardy

Are you looking for the perfect location for your investment? Try to Land in Lombardy

Your business’s location is key to successful operation and overall growth: every entrepreneur knows it. Today, finding the right desk in the right office is not anymore a choice of convenient places, transport, labour, facilities and image. It’s a matter of network. When relocating and investing in a territory, there […]

by × 13 March 2015 ×


Partner Program 2015: New partners for new business in the year of EXPO

Partner Program 2015: New partners for new business in the year of EXPO

For Invest in Lombardy, being a one-stop service for attracting foreign investments doesn’t mean to provide directly 100% of information and services. Tax, legal, labour regulations and HR, M&A, real estate […]

by × 29 January 2015 ×


Invest in Lombardy Results

Invest in Lombardy Results

Di cosa si è parlato negli Invest in Lombardy Days? Certamente dei risultati di Invest in Lombardy: una sintesi in questo filmato.

by × 10 October 2014 ×


Seminario: “Quali politiche per attrarre nuovi investimenti sul territorio?”

Seminario: “Quali politiche per attrarre nuovi investimenti sul territorio?”

Milano, 7 Ottobre 2014 Palazzo Lombardia – Auditorium G. Testori, Piazza Città di Lombardia 1 Nell’ambito degli Invest in Lombardy Days, tre giorni di dialogo e networking tra imprese multinazionali, istituzioni locali e nazionali, economisti, professionisti, banche e imprese sul tema degli investimenti in Lombardia e in Italia, il 7 Ottobre […]

by × 26 September 2014 ×