

New investment opportunities in Italy thanks to new employment law reforms

New investment opportunities in Italy thanks to new employment law reforms

The reforms in recent years that have involved employment law in Italy have, for some institutions, resulted in radical innovations which were not even imaginable up until a few months ago and have completely overturned the principles that historically inspired the dynamics of the job market. The legislative interventions, which […]

di × 25 Giugno 2015 ×


New package of measures  to make the Italian tax system more competitive

New package of measures to make the Italian tax system more competitive

On 21 April 2015 the Italian Government issued a package of measures (International Tax Decree and Certainty Decree) which significantly changes the tax rules applicable to cross-border operations and gives a specific definition to the concept of abuse of law and tax avoidance. The whole package is even designed to […]

di × 24 Giugno 2015 ×


New Decree on internationalization: more tax certainties for International business

New Decree on internationalization: more tax certainties for International business

In line with those practices that some countries offer to investors, Italy is opening the chance to obtain tax rulings on international businesses. The new Decree of the government which is going to be enforced within September provides the right to agree in advance with tax authorities some arguments that […]

di × 19 Giugno 2015 ×


Biotechnology in Lombardy: leadership among Italian industries and excellence around the world

Biotechnology in Lombardy: leadership among Italian industries and excellence around the world

Nowadays Biotechnology is a hot topic. During these days the 2015 BIO International Convention  takes place in Philadelphia (US). It is the world’s largest biotechnology gathering, and Invest in Lombardy, of course, is attending. Biotech is a point of strength for the Italian economic development and Lombardy is a territory where this industry has […]

di × 16 Giugno 2015 ×


Productivity: heaven or hell?

Productivity: heaven or hell?

Flexible working practices pose challenges and solutions Rising numbers of people worldwide are now opting to work outside the main office for at least a proportion of their business hours. A recent report that can be found on sites like , by global workplace provider Regus that surveyed 22,000 […]

di × 15 Giugno 2015 ×


The new simplified limited liability company

The new simplified limited liability company

Background The numerous recent legislative initiatives regarding limited liability companies (“S.r.l.”), are noteworthy for having created new opportunities for the use of this corporate vehicle. In particular, the enhancement of the S.r.l., which started with the company law reform of 2003, has been accentuated over time both as to its […]

di × 12 Giugno 2015 ×


Jobs Act: what do companies think about it?

Jobs Act: what do companies think about it?

The Jobs Act is a revolution in the Italian labour market. The introduction of the “progressive tenure employment contract” will be the leading driver of choices for companies, making permanent contracts attractive again. When the real effects of this reform will be felt in the market is hard to predict.  […]

di × 11 Giugno 2015 ×


Patent Box – Tax benefits on the use and transfer of intangible assets (trademarks, patents, industrial processes)

Patent Box – Tax benefits on the use and transfer of intangible assets (trademarks, patents, industrial processes)

The 2015 Italian Stability Law – Law no. 190 dated 23.12.2014 established the “Patent Box”: a special optional tax regime for income deriving from some types of intangible assets. The regulation was expanded with Article 5 of Italian Decree Law no. 3 of 2015 (“DL Investment Compact”). The aforementioned optional […]

di × 10 Giugno 2015 ×


Opportunities to relocate your business in Pavia: a new tender notice for Parco Tecnico Scientifico Pavia is now open

Opportunities to relocate your business in Pavia: a new tender notice for Parco Tecnico Scientifico Pavia is now open

Describing the province of Pavia and its potential to attract investments is not easy. In a single integrated territory you could find three geographic areas: Pavese, Lomellina and the Oltrepò Pavese with different economic and industrial focus. Pavia, the city, is next to Milan (25 minutes by train) but not […]

di × 26 Maggio 2015 ×


Agreements for Competitiveness in Lombardy: now you can talk quickly and directly to public administration

Agreements for Competitiveness in Lombardy: now you can talk quickly and directly to public administration

Among the point of weakness of Italy in attracting investments, there is an always mentioned issue: time and uncertainty when trying to dialogue to the public administration. Initiatives and projects, especially when coming from foreign investors, can be prevented to look for a support by the public administration because of […]

di × 18 Maggio 2015 ×