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Lombardy is …innovation! #AskOurPartner Masotti Berger Cassella

Lombardy is …innovation! #AskOurPartner Masotti Berger Cassella

Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our fifth article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Luca Masotti – Partner, Masotti Berger Cassella. The Italian Biotech sector is a fast growing one and mostly composed by innovative companies. Moreover, it enjoys […]

di × 15 Giugno 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is …an international business hub for Asian companies! #AskOurPartner Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners

Lombardy is …an international business hub for Asian companies! #AskOurPartner Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners

Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our fourth article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Rosario Zaccà – Co-Managing Partner, Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners. Asians know Italy mostly for its millennial history, its culture, food, fashion and football […]

di × 1 Giugno 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is …productivity in a reformed labour market! #AskOurPartner De Luca & Partners

Lombardy is …productivity in a reformed labour market! #AskOurPartner De Luca & Partners

Lombardy is …productivity in a reformed labour market! #AskOurPartner De Luca & Partners Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our third article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Vittorio de Luca – Managing Partner, De Luca & Partners. 2017 was […]

di × 17 Maggio 2018 ×

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Business - meeting in an office, lawyers or attorneys discussing a document or contract agreement

Municipalities: the gateway for investors

Why choose Lombardy for a productive investment? Perhaps because it is the richest region of Italy and one of the strongest economies in Europe. In addition, its international appeal and the widespread entrepreneurship play a role. What if we took into account also the characteristics of Lombardy territory, giving an […]

di × 11 Maggio 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is …continuous growth! #AskOurPartner Deloitte

Lombardy is …continuous growth! #AskOurPartner Deloitte

In the framework of the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” we are proud to present our second article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Elio Milantoni – Partner Deloitte Financial Advisory, Head of M&A Advisory. Lombardy continues to improve its economic and enterpreneurial […]

di × 3 Maggio 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Why invest in Lombardy? #AskOurPartner

Why invest in Lombardy? #AskOurPartner

The initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” has just started: six video interviews realized with Invest in Lombardy  Premium Partners. #SmartTipsForInvestors suggesting reasons and ways to invest in Italy and Lombardy. Follow us! Italy and Lombardy act as a platform for Europe, an excellence hub for several sectors. #AskOurPartner Elio […]

di × 19 Aprile 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Perché investire nel Biomedicale? A Milano oltre un terzo del business nazionale

Perché investire nel Biomedicale? A Milano oltre un terzo del business nazionale

Tecnologie mediche all’avanguardia, materiali di ultima generazione, digital innovation, le imprese del farmaceutico, biomedicale e biotech italiano protagoniste di un settore ad alto tasso di innovazione, con un mercato nazionale di 33 miliardi di fatturato, più di 25 mila imprese, in crescita a settembre 2017 per il terzo anno consecutivo […]

di × 12 Aprile 2018 ×

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AttrACT at MIPIM in Cannes

AttrACT at MIPIM in Cannes

With more than 11 billion euros and a 21% growth on the previous year, 2017 set a new record for real estate investments in Italy. This is stated in CBRE’s analysis, that also shows a real boom in the logistics sector (1,2 billion €, +95% in one year) and a […]

di × 14 Marzo 2018 ×

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AttrACT al MIPIM di Cannes

AttrACT al MIPIM di Cannes

Con oltre 11 miliardi di euro ed una crescita del 21% rispetto all’anno precedente, il 2017 è stato per l’Italia l’anno del record assoluto negli investimenti immobiliari. Lo conferma l’analisi della CBRE che dichiara inoltre un boom nel settore della logistica (1,2 miliardi di euro, +95% in un anno) e […]

di × 13 Marzo 2018 ×

Highlights, News

Business - meeting in an office, lawyers or attorneys discussing a document or contract agreement

Il Comune: l’interlocutore dell’investitore

Perché scegliere la Lombardia per un investimento produttivo? Forse perché è la regione più ricca d’Italia e una delle economie più forti d’Europa. Inciderà anche il suo appeal internazionale o l’imprenditorialità diffusa. E se tenessimo conto delle caratteristiche del territorio lombardo dando un occhio ai suoi Comuni? Analizzando gli ultimi […]

di × 28 Febbraio 2018 ×